
a lot of l10n people trying to start working on qa are confused, because
there are only documents about every single tool (QATrack, QUASTe, TCM, EIS,
VLCTestTool) but there is not one overall, comprehensive document explaining
the suggested work flow for QA-process of l10n packages with pointers to
that more extensive documentation. Or - at least - I do not know of such a

Lp, m.

2010/1/18 Loba <yeasmeen...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> Here arises some confusion about submitting the TCM report URI in the
> QAtrack of different builds. For .rpm and .deb packages there is only one
> test case in TCM of Openoffice.
> For my language (bn) i have added the same TCM report URI [0] for both the
> builds of .rpm and .deb, fortunately the results of testcases are the same
> for both build.
> INT build ID for .rpm : 8633
> INT build ID for .deb : 8675
> I need to know that is it OK or i have to do anything else? Please give me
> a
> suggestion.
> Again, if i change the status of corresponding builds to "Approved" then
> will it be selected for distribution? Or i have to change the status to
> distributed? As far i understand, after the release of that build in the
> mirror, i can change the satus to "Distributed".
> I am little bit confused about the total porecedure of QAtrack.
> [0]
> http://www.sunvirtuallab.com:8001/tcm2/opensource/tcm_report.cgi?tcm_config=newooo&action=detail_report&project_id=50&product_id=4&platform_id=&language_id=43
> --
> Thaking by
> Loba Yeasmeen
> Dhaka, Bangladesh

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