Hey Ellwood... I don't know too much about what fusebox does but I'd store
any common includes in one includes folder, there's no point in duplicating
them- defeats the object. Is that what you're asking?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ellwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:13 PM
Subject: [ cf-dev ] Any fusecoders on the list?

Fusebox is a fantastic methodology. It makes developing sites quick and
almost painless. BUT!!! Should I be careful of falling into the INCLUDE
trap. Its great to have includes that you can code once and use anywhere. In
fusebox this can be a problem if you have several circuits that share one of
those includes. Try to avoid this is my advice.

Okay, meet me half way here. If you close off a circuit that holds the
included file how do the other circuits use it if you decide to remove that
circuit altogether? Surely though, this means that the reason for using
includes, namely to make changes in one place that ripple throughout the
site, is then negated. Each circuit has a copy of the fuse which you will
need to update. I suppose you could get around this by having global
includes and then circuit level includes.

Makes sense, but what is the correct way? What should a PURE fusecoder do?

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