Hello Adam,

I am very sorry for the frustrating experience. I can certainly see you do
an excellent job in getting engaged with the project to get this feature
request rolling. Thank you so much for that.

I read your conversation with Piotr and I get your point – yes, neither
migration to Log4j 3 (which still has an unknown release date), nor
augmenting the configuration is an option for you. I agree with your
assessments there.

Thinking naively: Assuming you already thought about it, why doesn't the
following work for you?

   1. Cast the `LoggerContext` to `AsyncLoggerContext`
   2. Reflectively extract the `AsyncLoggerContext#loggerDisruptor`
   3. Reflectively extract the `AsyncLoggerDisruptor#asyncQueueFullPolicy`
   4. Call `DiscardingAsyncQueueFullPolicy.getDiscardCount()` on the policy

Kind regards.

On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 12:11 AM Thomas, Adam <adamt...@amazon.com.invalid>

> I created a pull request[1] late last year for this, and was encouraged to
> start a discussion on the dev list at the time.
> We run log4j2 on a lot of hosts that are operated by different teams. By
> default, our users use async logging and use the Discard
> asyncQueueFullPolicy. As far as I can tell, the status logger gets one WARN
> message the first time an event is discarded, and during shutdown a TRACE
> message is emitted if any discards happened. This leaves us with
> essentially no insight as to whether or not events are actually being
> discarded, when they are being discarded, or how many we are discarding.
> My pull request is pretty simple; the discarding policy already tracks
> discards, and I expose a getter for this counter from
> LoggerContext/AsyncLoggerContext. Polling the counter and pushing It to our
> telemetry system is an exercise left up to the user (me). I don’t have any
> real concerns about the safety of the change, but I have no idea how
> acceptable it is as a change to the API surface.
> This also spawned a metrics proof-of-concept that was recently closed [2].
> I’m fine with a more complete metrics solution, but I’m not sure of the
> timeline of such a solution, if any.
> How can I move forward on this pull request to make it acceptable, or is
> there another way to accomplish this that would be more palatable?
> -Adam
> [1] https://github.com/apache/logging-log4j2/pull/1927
> [2] https://github.com/apache/logging-log4j2/pull/1943

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