
> Hi,

My guess is that javadoc:javadoc holds the record[1].

If i count correctly 98 parameters..wow...i didn't expect being so much...

For remote systems a timeout parameter makes sense.
I would expect that users are familiar with the parameter pages.

Yes this is the source of information....

If you start introducing an environment variable, it'll become a hidden
feature only visible to those few who read FAQs.

This is one point on the other hand it makes your build depending on the environment...which i don't like...


[1] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-javadoc-plugin/javadoc-mojo.html

Op Thu, 18 Sep 2014 22:24:47 +0200 schreef Mirko Friedenhagen

Hello everybody,

I want to take a stance at above issue[1]. REST-requests to JIRA
timeout after +- 30 seconds right now. Internally we use a
misconfigured JIRA instance where the call to the status-URL needs 4
minutes (400.000 issues with 400 resolutions, that is what happens
when 120 people are JIRA-admins ;-))!

Should I just add additional parameters to the announcement-generate,
announcement-mail and jira-report?
Maybe it would be better to use environment variables as these mojo
already have loads of configuration parameters and the use case is
very specific.

A supplemental parameter has an other advantage you can simply add it, define a default value which can be handled by the existing mechanisms...

If you like to do the same for an environment variable you need to do suplemental things...

Kind regards
Karl-Heinz Marbaise

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