
i want to summarize the current state of the maven plugins which can be found here: http://maven.apache.org/plugins/ which are currently
at the Maven 2.2.1 minimum prerequesites state and which are not.

The following list of plugins do not have a Maven 2.2.1 prerequisites they have the prerequisites in parentheses given:

maven-compiler-plugin        (2.0.9)
maven-failsafe-plugin        (2.0.9)
maven-surefire-plugin        (2.0.9)
maven-verifier-plugin        (2.0.6)
maven-ear-plugin             (2.0.6)
maven-jar-plugin             (2.0.6)
maven-war-plugin             (2.0.6)
maven-doap-plugin            (2.2.0)
maven-docck-plugin           (2.0.6)
maven-jxr-plugin             (2.0.9)
maven-surefire-report-plugin (2.0.9)
maven-ant-plugin             (2.0.6)
maven-antrun-plugin          (2.0.11)
maven-archetype-plugin       (2.0.7)
maven-enforcer-plugin        (2.0)
maven-gpg-plugin             (2.0.6)
maven-jarsigner-plugin       (2.1.0)
maven-patch-plugin           (2.0.6)
maven-pdf-plugin             (2.0.9)
maven-plugin-plugin          (2.0.6)
maven-repository-plugin      (2.0.6)
scm                          (2.0)
maven-stage-plugin           (2.0.5)
maven-toolchains-plugin      (2.0.9)
maven-eclipse-plugin         (2.0.8)

I think of the above plugins we should make a final release with Maven 2.2.1 JDK 5 prerequisites...

The following plugins have Maven 2.2.1 prerequisites and JDK 6:


The following plugins have Maven 3.0 prerequisites and JDK 1.5


If the above release cycle has been done i would say to start with creating Maven 3.0.5 prerequisites only plugins....which should be represented by the plugin version number starting with 3.X...

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

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