I think that I, amongst other people, are in danger of losing track of
the trademark forest for the trees.

I'm copying trademarks@, which is a closed list, but I don't think
that this discussion has to be restricted to private@. If anyone on
trademarks@ cares to correct me, please copy the Maven dev list.

Trademarks are marks 'used in commerce'. When lawyers, and in the
extreme case, judges, discuss trademarks, they are concerned with how
marks get used in the relatively real world. Web pages that describe
products are high on their list of concerns. XML files and source
code? Not so much.

So, the first job of trademark defense is to worry about how web pages
(and books and such) use our mark. The top of that list is to ask two
questions: Is the 'first use' a full reference to 'Apache Maven'? And
is there an attribution of the trademark? As a PMC, if we are politely
enforcing these two things, we've done most of our job.

The next question is the question raised by plugins. When someone
offers a product in commerce that is closely related to ours, what do
they call it, and how do they describe it? Again, plain old English
usage is a lot more important than geek-delight strings that go into
XML files. If the web page has a title like 'Popcorn plugin for Apache
Maven', we're good. I suspect that we're good even if the string that
goes into the xml file is
'maven-maven-maven-maven-maven-popcorn-plugin'. It strikes me that we
could make this good situation more likely by making sure that the
site tooling puts headings and titles on pages, by default, that are
consistent with that pattern.

This conversation has been focussed on the question of the string that
goes into the XML file. If we wanted to make that problem go away, we
could discourage the use of the string 'maven' in plugin artifactIds
altogether. That would push the conversation towards the prose and
away from the XML. But I'm not sure it matters.

One of Stephen's points is that the artifactId strings have an
influence on the prose: a thing with artifactId maven-popcorn-plugin
seems to lead, inexorably, towards 'The Maven Popcorn Plugin', which
is bad. But, is 'popcorn-maven-plugin' really so much better? I do
understand the logic that it seems to lead more towards 'The Popcore
plugin _for_ Maven'. Still, it seems to me that enforcing one or the
other in the plugin-plugin is not much of a substitute for the
annoying job of looking at web pages and sending polite reminders. I
think that my point here is not 'leave the plugin-plugin' alone, but
rather 'don't mistake changing it for an automated solution to the
bulk of our trademark enforcement responsibilities.' Whether those
responsibilities are reasonable is a discussion for another time and

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