I'll submit a PR in these couple of days, if it waits a little bit.

2017-01-11 0:54 GMT+02:00 Christian Schulte <c...@schulte.it>:

> Am 01/10/17 um 09:30 schrieb Anton Tanasenko:
> > 3.3.9 (in 5805) introduced an additional syntax for specifying lifecycle
> > goals as
> > '<lifecyclePhases><..><mojos><mojo><goal/><configuration/><
> dependencies/></mojo</mojos</...></lifecyclePhases>'
> > in addition to '<phases><...>[goals as text]</...></phases>', but due to
> > implementation, it was also supported using the 'phases' parent node and
> > the test was using that one as well.
> > This broke binary compatibility, which is fixed in 5958, but as a
> > side-effect, 'phases' node can no longer be used for the new syntax.
> >
> > If strictly following the rules that you brought up, the test for 5805
> > should really be duplicated and changed to use the new syntax starting
> > 3.5.0, but to be honest, I'm not sure if it's really worth it.
> Adding/updating ITs without review has led to ITs testing
> incorrect/unexpected behaviour which is hard to change. Having the old
> test unchanged with an upper bound and a new test in paralle testing the
> expected/new/correct behaviour helps to track what behaviour got
> invalidated by what release. It's not that much extra work since you can
> copy the old test over to a new class and just need to change some bits
> to make it fit. Please either create a pull request or attach a patch in
> JIRA. When it comes to the core IT repository, things cannot be changed
> without discussion. In fact, this is what required to reset various
> branches. I'll add a link to this thread in the commit message so that
> everyone kicking in months later can read about why things are the way
> the are.
> Regards,
> --
> Christian
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