For those who would like to reproduce the issues:

1. Build Maven distribution from 3.3.9, master, MNG-6169 and MNG-6169 with locally modified maven-core/src/main/resources/META-INF/plexus/components.xml maven-clean-plugin 2.6.1 => 3.0.0.
You should have four distros now.
2. Clone Surefire
3. Run all four versions of Maven against Surefire master:
> ~/apache-maven-$version/bin/mvn -B -V clean install -Dinvoker.mergeSettings | tee ~/maven-surefire.log
Leave mergeSettings out if you have direct Internet connection
4. Save maven-surefire.log and surefire-integration-tests/target for later analysis
5. Branch off Surefire master and apply branches:
6. Repeat step 3
7. Checkout maven-shared-utils-0.9.x from Subversion, install and update maven-surefire/pom.xml with version 0.9.1-SNAPSHOT
8. Repeat 6
7. Compare results of 3, 5, 6, 8 as well as with my maven-surefire.log files

note: my logs are based on an already patched version (from mentioned branches) of Surefire master.


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