Petar Tahchiev wrote:

> Hey guys,
> my pull-request worked fine to not show the prompt to specify a version.
> However, it fails to update snapshot dependency versions when you resolve
> the parent to a concrete version.
> Particularly in my case:
>                             [BOM]
>                              /    \
>              [PLATFORM]  [DEMO_STORE]
>                -module1             - platform:module1
>                -module2             - platform:module2
>                ....                      .....
>                - moduleN            - platform:moduleN
> The [BOM] defines in dependencyManagement section all the versions of the
> modules of the [PLATFORM]. Then the [DEMO_STORE] can reference them
> without specifying a version. During release what I do is I first release
> the
> [BOM], then release the [PLATFORM] and up to here I see no problems. But
> then I try to release the DEMO_STORE] and even though I specify on the
> command line the version of the parent [BOM]:
> it still asks me for versions of dependencies which are specified in the
> released [BOM].

What you can do as workaround is to add an empty relativePath element to the 
[DEMO_STORE] as a temporary modification just for the release. Annoying, but 
that should limit the multi-project to the subtree.

> I tried patching the code and specifying a new version of
> the parent
> project.getParentArtifact().setVersion("1.5.2.RELEASE")
> just to see if it works, but the problem is that the dependencies in the
> project are already resolved: when I call project.getDependencies() I get
> the SNAPSHOT versions.
> Is there any way to reload the project model after I specify a new
> parentVersion()? So that It understands the [BOM] is no longer a snapshot
> version.

Dependency resolution is too early for such modifications.


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