This is very nice Tibor! All the ITs of maven-assembly-plugin that were failing on my Windows set-up are now running fine. I tested this branch both with JDK 7 and 8 on Windows 10.

I also checked that the temporary "surefire<NNNN>" directories located in %TEMP% were correctly deleted at the end of the tests. Small note: they aren't deleted when Maven is run in debug mode with -X, I think it should be noted in "tempDir" javadoc.


Le 03/08/2017 à 15:32, Tibor Digana a écrit :
Hi devs,
Hi Guillaume Boué,

Can you please test this branch on Maven Assembly build and make a code
review? On Windows.

Here we have a commit in branch SUREFIRE-1400, see [1].

The point of this fix is to start Surefire Booter JAR from
instead of target/surefire/surefire*.jar

The base dir ${user.dir} in urser's tests did not change.



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