On 2017-10-20T14:43:52 +0200
"Robert Scholte" <rfscho...@apache.org> wrote:
> > This looks to be a case of split packages amongst all of the various
> > Maven artifacts. I'm adding dependency exclusions to try to work around
> > the issues, but I'm not confident that'll actually work.
> >
> > Are there efforts underway to clean this stuff up?  
> No, Maven has its own modular system long before the Java Platform Modular  
> System (JPMS)...

OK, makes sense. I was seeing errors related to Class.byName in some of
the exceptions I was seeing, so I mistakenly assumed that there was
some degree of modularization underway that possibly wasn't quite
complete yet. I suspect the actual problems I'm seeing here are just
out-of-date dependencies.

> > The reason I'm modularizing the plugin is due to this:
> >
> >   "To build and run japicmp under Java 1.9, you must add the following  
> > module: java.xml.bind. This can be done for the maven plugin for example  
> > by:
> >
> > export MAVEN_OPTS="--add-modules java.xml.bind"  
> IIUC this doesn't mean you have to introduce a module descriptor (i.e.  
> module-info.java ).
> The reason is that this module is marked as deprecated and won't be  
> activated by the JDK/JRE by default. By adding this argument it is loaded  
> anyway.
> What you should try to do instead is add the following dependency:
> <dependency>
>      <groupId>javax.xml.bind</groupId>
>      <artifactId>jaxb-api</artifactId>
>      <version>2.3.0</version>
> </dependency>

Noted, thanks! I'll be testing this out today.

Mark Raynsford | http://www.io7m.com

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