Am 2018-04-11 um 12:23 schrieb Basin Ilya:

On 02.04.2018 10:47, Stephen Connolly wrote:
On Sun 1 Apr 2018 at 22:12, Michael Osipov <> wrote:

Am 2018-04-01 um 23:01 schrieb Stephen Connolly:
On Sun 1 Apr 2018 at 17:21, Michael Osipov <> wrote:

Am 2018-04-01 um 13:54 schrieb Stephen Connolly:
On Fri 30 Mar 2018 at 10:20, Michael Osipov <>
Am 2018-03-30 um 10:47 schrieb Basin Ilya:
We need your opinion on the following topic. While Svn and Cvs
perform the list() operation remotely and don't need a checkout
Git and some others
simply list the local files (generally, because their SCMs don't
a remote list method). Arguments passed to the list() method also have
different meanings for those

We should specify in the ScmProvider.list() javadoc that if the SCM
not support remote listing, then the method should just fail and also
modify the existing
ListCommand implementations.
My opinion on this is that the ListCommand says remote repos. If some
SCM provider implements it wrong, it either has to be dropped or
corrected. I don't like the idea to checkout or clone to list files.

The Git provider has been implemented incorrectly from the beginning.
checked some other SCMs and they don't implement it at all.

This needs to be fixed in 2.0.0.

It depends, git being distributed, if you have the local checkout, you
list exactly without needing to go remote.
No, the docs say remote list. Not local list.

But perhaps the thing here is to enhance the api to provide for both

Likely, but you will end up in a split situation because not every SCM
will implement your usercase.

At the minimum, git could do an ls-remote and then list from local once
revision is confirmed present (which would meet a goal of being a “read
only” operation)
ls-remote does *not* list any files remotely, it lists remote refs.

And if we have the remote ref local then *because refs are immutable* we
can list the files from local.

I think the only issue is the lack of a call to ls-remote
I do not understand what you are trying to say. How is the output of
ls-remote/remote refs relateed to the remote file listing?
Even if you have the current branch, you still cannot list the files
because you don't know wether your local branch is uptodate with remote.

That is what ls-remote tells you. It tells you the revisions of every
branch and tag in the remote (or you can just ask for one branch)

Then if the revision is in the .git database you can list the files

Okay. Here's how I see this: the list() method should not require a local 
checkout directory, but ls-files requires at least a bare repo. As a compromise 
we could have a set of persistent bare git repositories, shared by multiple Scm 
clients, just like makepkg from Archlinux does.

However, I have no idea how to do the same with Mercurial and other similar 
SCMs. This is why I'd prefer to push the efforts and responsibility to the 
users of ScmClient. Let them try list() and if it's not supported, then let 
them do checkout and list files in a directory. This would be much simpler.

+1. We can't satisfy all SCMs with the same API.

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