Am 2018-05-14 um 11:07 schrieb Graham Leggett:
Hi all,

I would like to clarify what the policy is on maven-doxia and the maven project 
in general, and minimum java versions.

With the XHTML5 work on Doxia, I have managed to keep all changes without a 
requirement to upgrade any dependencies, until I got to maven-doxia-sitetools 
and httpunit, which doesn’t understand any HTML5 tags. My current workaround is 
to simply test that HTML5 tags are present, but ignore their type, and this 
seems good enough for now - no httpunit upgrade needed.

Upgrading httpunit to a version that supports HTML5 and doesn’t suffer from bug means a minimum java version of 

What is the policy on java versions in maven-doxia? Is it intentionally kept 
behind the curve so old code can be built, or is it acceptable to make java 1.8 
a minimum version?

I just checked HTMLUnit's code. They do really use lambda expressions. So there is no downgrade option without a rewrite :-(

If it is test, I don't see an issue because the Doxia code can remain at 1.7. I can probably trick Enforcer or Animal Sniffer just for the test scope.

Does this raise happen on a single Doxia module or in the entire Doxia reactor? If it is just a runtime module that would be fine for the users.

I am reluctant to bump a baseline for just one dependency out of ten or even more.


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