ASF deserves a customized release strategy, which is now possible with 
My idea is that during "prepare" the plugin should upload several files to the 
ASF dist folder besides the tagging.
During "perform" it should use these files instead of the tag in SCM (because 
these files are the official releases, not the tag).

Just waiting for someone to pick it up.


On 5-1-2020 11:28:22, Christofer Dutz <> wrote:
Hi all,

I just wanted to suggest something I have noticed a lot of Apache projects were 
doing wrong. Especially when unexperienced RMs are doing the releases.

Several times now after doing a release, the RMs have uploaded the source 
bundles from “target” to the SVN. However they should have uploaded the 
It is just too tempting to upload the versions left over from the 
release:prepare step as they too have the release version.

Usually this wouldn’t be a problem and I guess this has happened quite often in 
the past. The thing is with the adoption of the maven-wrapper we can 
unfortunately see when something’s going wrong.
In this case there is a difference. The source bundles from the prepare step 
then usually contain the ./mvn/maven-wrapper.jar … which is usually my 
indicator for instantly knowing what went wrong.
The version in the target/checkout simply couldn’t contain this file.

>From the discussions with the reproducible builds I learned that you can 
>define pre and post actions to the prepare and perform steps. So how about 
>adding a pre-perform action that simply cleans the target directory?

I guess updating the default assembly to exclude the jar and class files in the 
“./mvn” directory could cure some symptoms, but people would still upload the 
wrong file.

I think this could prevent a lot of RCs being -1ed by Justin ;-)


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