
I would like to use the ideas from the Conventional Commits to
automatically determine the next version for my release when releasing with
the maven-release-plugin.

Since this is not yet a part of the current version of the release plugin I
decided to give it a go myself.

So far I have succeeded in creating a new VersionPolicy that does this and
I'm wondering if the committers would consider including this idea or not.
I expect my code will need some more cleanups and changes on my end before
it can be included.

Summary of what I had to change to make this work:
In maven-scm (
https://github.com/nielsbasjes/maven-scm/tree/SCM-xxx-ChangelogTags )
- I had to add the functionality that a ChangeSet could contain the tags
present on the commits as well.
  It is generic and I've added this functionality for gitexe and jgit.
  For gitexe I had to change the command used by the changelog command to
get the tags.

In maven-release (
https://github.com/nielsbasjes/maven-release/tree/MRELEASE-xxx-CCSEMVER )
- I extended the VersionPolicyRequest to include the connection to the SCM
and a config parameter (right now a String) to configure the patterns to
look for in the pom.xml of the project that is to be released.
- I created a new VersionPolicy that examines the tags and commit messages
and from this computes if a patch, minor or major version update is needed.

To check it actually works I created a dummy test project that has this
plugin:  https://github.com/nielsbasjes/releasetester/blob/main/pom.xml#L94

So simply put: Should I file two jira tickets and put up the pull requests
so you can review my ideas ?

Best regards / Met vriendelijke groeten,

Niels Basjes

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