CONTINUUM-970 has been created for this... you can apply the patch there in your local copy if you want.

Hope that helps.


Martin van den Bemt wrote:
Hi everyone,

Building continuum is kind of a pain and is not working out for me. The problem may be due to the apache snapshot repo being down, but even without a snapshot repo I should be able to build (even if it is trunk).

First of all : the maven-release-plugin has been changed, where the "shared" part has been moved to the shared/maven-release-manager. Since the continuum-release module has a dependency on the SNAPSHOT version, it will not build when you acutally build the SNAPSHOT yourself. I can supply a patch for the changes needed for that, if someone is interested.

Running mvn clean install from the root of continuum trunk, doesn't really do a great job either and it is quite confusing on what is used and not used anymore.

Any clarification welcomed..


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