
These sound like handy enhancements to have. I also have issues with the
ordering of the overlay because of the timestamps. I documented some of
it and the way we do it (with a very old war plugin version) here:

I would eventually like to enhance war to be able to support this
process if I ever get some time.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Horwitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2006 6:32 AM
To: dev@maven.apache.org
Subject: War plugin overlays: New plugin to handle transitive


I have been helping out with the development of the AppFuse project over
the last month where we make heavy use of the war overlay feature in the
Maven war plugin. It is a really nifty feature!

To get max power with war overlays I have developed the Warpath plugin
that allows projects to use war artifacts as fully fledged dependencies.

1) The contents of the /WEB-INF/classes directory in the war dependency
artifacts can be included in the project's classpath for normal compile,
etc tasks.
2) Transitive dependencies from the war dependency artifacts become
available for use by other plugins, e.g. compile and ear - so no more
having to include all the dependencies when creating skinny wars!

The plugin has now been actively used in the AppFuse project for the
last few months, and I feel it is at a point where it is both usable and
Would the war plugin team be interested in including the warpath
functionality inside the war plugin? It would seem to be the most
natural place to host it.

As a side issue one sticking point for us with war overlays has been the
overlay by timestamp for files included in the web project being built.
In a multi-web module project like AppFuse this has led to some
unpredictable behaviour when a file from a dependent war overwrites a
file in the war project being built. Although it is possible to
influence the behaviour of the overlay using dependentWarExcludes, it is
a maintenance heavy approach when many files are involved and requires
continual updates to the project's pom file.

Would it be possible to include functionality, perhaps as a configurable
feature, in the Maven war plugin to automatically prefer all files from
the war project being built over those from dependent war files
regardless of file timestamp? I would be more than happy to do the
necessary work and submit a patch.


Mike Horwitz

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