I'm ok for a timestamped version, but we can release the release manager too, 
without the plugin because it isn't ready and I want the new Maven-SCM in it.

The pb is that release-manager use maven-scm 1.0-SNAPSHOT, we can use 1.0-beta-4 because the release manager doesn't use new code of maven-scm but we won't have maven-scm fixes. Or we can use a timestamped version of Maven-SCM too. If we choose the timestamped version of Maven-SCM, Continuum need to use it.


Jesse McConnell a écrit :
with maven-app-configuration released I thought we were well on our
way to getting a release of continuum cut, but Emmanuel pointed out
that I had missing the latest SNAPSHOT of the maven release stuff.

Does anyone have an issues with my resolving the maven-release version
to the latest timestamped snapshot version and cutting the release
with that?


On 3/21/07, Jesse McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
All outstanding jira tickets that were under 1.1-alpha-1 have been resolved...

I am going to put together the dependencies that need to be released
and get those on track for release now and then we can stage and call
a vote on the first alpha of continuum 1.1


On 3/20/07, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 20/03/2007, at 6:45 AM, Jesse McConnell wrote:
> > ok, I am changing my tune on the remaining 11 issues, I want this
> > thing released asap so we have something concrete to get moving on.
> > The 11 issues are functionally no real different then a lot of the
> > ones in the -2 jira so I am thinking we just push that forward and get
> > going on this.
> Sounds good to me.
> >
> > so, I haven't actually pulled a release on something like this at
> > apache, from what I understand we can put this someplace for
> > downloading that doesn't have to get mirrored all over the place.
> > more information please brett...
> We have, in the past, deployed alphas to the regular deployment
> location.
> >
> > Should we vote on this? I think we have an implict consent based on
> > just this thread from committers but should this alpha cycle take a
> > vote each push, or can we vote on a biweekly release schedule for
> > alphas for the next month or two?
> Yes, if it's a release we should vote on it.
> >
> > if we get this decided I'll arrange the dependencies and get this
> > thing alpha release dealio running asap.
> Cool
> - Brett

jesse mcconnell

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