Max Bowsher wrote:
> Oh. I was caught out by the interpolation syntax change ${foo} to [foo].
> Adapting to that, it now seems to be working - thanks!

Seems I spoke too soon :-(

-Declipse.addVersionToProjectName doesn't work. The problem is that
calculateProjectNameTemplate() attempts to use:
     if ( getProjectNameTemplate() != null )
to determine if a projectNameTemplate was set, but the @parameter
declares a default-value, so this is never true.  The simplest fix would
be to just drop the default-value from the @parameter declaration.

A minor feature request whilst it occurs to me - after writing the
project, the plugin emits (for example):

[INFO] Wrote Eclipse project for "maven-script-beanshell" to

The quoted word is currently just the project's artifactId, but with
these added project name rewriting facilities, it would be useful to
have confirmation in the output that a different eclipse project name
was used - so I suggest putting the generated eclipse project name in
that log line instead.

Let me know if you'd like either/both of these issues taken to JIRA.

Here is a two-line patch encompassing both of the above:

Index: src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugin/eclipse/
--- src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugin/eclipse/
(revision 549790)
+++ src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugin/eclipse/
(working copy)
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
      * eg. <code>[groupId].[artifactId]-[version]</code>
-     * @parameter expression="${eclipse.projectNameTemplate}"
+     * @parameter expression="${eclipse.projectNameTemplate}"
     private String projectNameTemplate;

@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@

         getLog().info( Messages.getString( "EclipsePlugin.wrote", new
Object[] { //$NON-NLS-1$
-                                           project.getArtifactId(),
eclipseProjectDir.getAbsolutePath() } ) );
config.getEclipseProjectName(), eclipseProjectDir.getAbsolutePath() } ) );

     protected EclipseWriterConfig createEclipseWriterConfig(
IdeDependency[] deps )


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