Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 14 Aug 07, at 9:30 PM 14 Aug 07, Paul Gier wrote:

Kenney Westerhof wrote:
Brian E. Fox wrote:
Sure. I've been thinking that the standard rules should come out of the
plugin into a separate module too. The thing I'd ultimately like to do
is be able to release the rules separate from the plugin since the
majority of changes occur to the rules.
The problem is that I'd like to be able to default the enforcer to the
current ruleset at release time (for ease of use), but somehow allow the
users to be able to change the ruleset version if they wanted. I think
if a plugin sets a dependency, then it's not possible to override it
during use. Any ideas how this could be accomplished?

I think plugin deps _should_ be overridable in the dependencies section
within the plugin tag.
Perhaps adding a depMgt for those deps works too - it works as an override
for transitive deps, and if the current pom is used as the start of
plugin resolution it will be applied, but i'm not sure..
To get this to work in a nice way maven will need to be fixed, I think.
-- Kenney


Can this ability be added in maven 2.1 ? It seems like it makes sense to treat plugin dependencies like regular dependencies meaning that you should be able to exclude or override certain plugin dependencies. It would help with a few of the projects within JBoss.

Eric actually patched it back to do that a while ago and I think we can do it 2.0.8. It used to work and is infinitely useful. Not sure when it got crippled.

But that is only for the transitive plugin dependencies right? What about if I want to exclude or override one of the plugin's direct dependencies?
I would like to be able to do something like this:


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