I committed it before I sent the email. Feel free to review it and request changes, etc. I will check email while I'm gone, but the machine with my work in progress is on a desktop at home, not on my laptop.

The page modified will be http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-dependency-mechanism.html. You will see a new subsection under dependency management titled "importing dependencies".


Brian E. Fox wrote:
Ralph, I'll gladly publish the site...just commit the guide and have a
nice vacation! Thanks for pulling it together last minute.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Goers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 6:35 PM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: Documentation for import scope

I updated the introduction to dependency mechanism page and built the site locally. I then checked it in. The last time I did this was in September and I can't for the life of me remember how to publish the site - I remember logging in to people.apache.org and doing some stuff over there. I've looked for the instructions but I can't seem to find them. Can someone either send me the link or publish it for me? I'm leaving for the airport in a couple of hours...


Brett Porter wrote:
I think this is mostly for Ralph... I wasn't able to find any documentation for the import scope in the site. I was wondering if you

could add an explanation about it to the dependency scope information page? Also, what would be a good blurb for the release notes about it?


Brett Porter

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