2.1 has actually served the purpose it was intended for and should be released. Obviously, the other items that were intended for 2.1 haven't been completed and shouldn't hold things up. So +1 on releasing 2.1.0 now.

As for the other items that weren't completed, at this point it is unclear to me whether the items that were on the roadmap are being fixed in 3.0 or not. I'm still not quite sure how far off the 3.0 release is, but it is looking closer all the time. So I really don't know if it makes sense to work on those items and target a 2.2 release or not.


On Feb 17, 2009, at 5:35 PM, Brett Porter wrote:

On 18/02/2009, at 7:23 AM, John Casey wrote:

I fully agree with Brian about the version naming for the next release.

I couldn't possibly care less what version we use at this point, only that we start doing releases again. I want to see 2.1 out as much as anyone. However, it was frustrating to work the list of issues down to 0 and have that pulled away at the last minute. We should have stuck with the scheme we had in place already.

It will take less effort for me to just keep working on issues until they are done, so that's what I'll do. So, agreed, next version is 2.1.0, standard RC cycle applies.

I thought Oleg was working on MNG-553 still...

It's been closed today, but there is still a snapshot dependency on trunk. Oleg, can you release plexus-sec-dispatcher?

Brett, are you still working on MNG-3379, and did you plan to finish that before we release 2.1.0?

I was waiting for the milestone release before disrupting anything. If that's not happening, I'll push that down as soon as I have some free time this week.

The fourth top issue seems on the face of it to be based on a common misunderstanding about how profiles are triggered and applied...probably more of a documentation/education task than anything else.

I'm not sure which one you are referring to.

Beyond that, I'm alright releasing 2.1.0 final provided we can be sure that the wagon version we're using is stable. I seem to remember an issue coming up shortly after the release of 2.1.0-M1 related to one of the new Wagon implementations - WebDAV, maybe? I'm having some trouble remembering/finding that issue in my gmail, but we need to make sure that doesn't get left out of this release. If it means rolling back to an older wagon version, then let's do that.

It's a regression in the SSH wagon, which I've not been able to reproduce and I never saw an issue filed for. We can wait and see what happens in the RC cycle.


Brett Porter

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