You can use this plugin for a wide range of version changes:

For automatic incrementing, you might look at the release plugin:

If neither of those do what you want, then it would probably be easier to make 
an enhancement to them rather than creating a new plugin. Rewriting the POM is 
not a tool we have generally available - both plugins have gone to some lengths 
to do that while preserving formatting, etc.

- Brett

On 22/03/2012, at 4:23 AM, Daniel Jones wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm wondering if it would be possible/feasible to write a plugin that:
>   1. Looks up the LATEST version of the current project
>   2. Does some splitting on that version string to increment the minor
>   revision by one
>   3. Modifies the logical representation of the POM to the new version
>   4. *Possibly* does some filtering that will then write the POM.xml file
>   with the new version.
> I'm guessing items 1 and 3 must exist in the codebase somewhere, so the
> rest shouldn't be too hard. Has anyone attempted this before, and if not,
> where would you recommend a developer completely new to Maven plug-ins
> should look first?
> -- 
> Regards,
> Daniel Jones | Software Engineer, Platform Team
> Mendeley Ltd | London, UK | <>
> Registered in England and Wales | Company Number 6419015

Brett Porter

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