Why an other plugin for android? The android-maven-plugin works fine


On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 7:36 AM, Shane Isbell <sisb...@apache.org> wrote:
> I'd like to see if any maven devs would be interested in testing out the
> Masa project for building android projects using maven. I've recently added
> support for android libraries and masa is building a fairly complicated
> Android project but I haven't had anyone pounding on other use cases to see
> what I missed in implementation. It has support for toolchains which should
> be consistent with maven toolchains.
> The masa project started out in apache sandbox 4 years ago, but I migrated
> to github. I would be interested in proposing in incubator project if there
> is enough interest in the future. Feel free to check it out and give
> feedback or even better patches :)
> https://github.com/sisbell/masa/wiki
> Thanks,
> Shane

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