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(Updated Sept. 30, 2014, 2:16 p.m.)

Review request for mesos, Benjamin Hindman, Niklas Nielsen, Till Toenshoff, and 
Timothy St. Clair.


Add tests and rebase.

Bugs: MESOS-1571

Repository: mesos-git


The configurable slave's executor_shutdown_grace_period flag is propagated to 
Executor and CommandExecutor through an environment variable. Shutdown timeout 
in Executor and signal escalation timeout in CommandExecutor are now dependent 
on this flag. Each nested timeout is somewhat shorter than the parent one.

Diffs (updated)

  src/Makefile.am 27c42df 
  src/exec/exec.cpp e15f834 
  src/launcher/executor.cpp cbc8750 
  src/slave/constants.hpp 9030871 
  src/slave/constants.cpp e1da5c0 
  src/slave/containerizer/containerizer.hpp 8a66412 
  src/slave/containerizer/containerizer.cpp 0254679 
  src/slave/containerizer/docker.cpp 9a29489 
  src/slave/containerizer/external_containerizer.cpp efbc68f 
  src/slave/containerizer/mesos/containerizer.cpp 9d08329 
  src/slave/flags.hpp 32e51d2 
  src/slave/utils.hpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/slave/utils.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/tests/containerizer.cpp a17e1e0 
  src/tests/mesos.hpp 957e223 
  src/tests/slave_tests.cpp 69be28f 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/25434/diff/


make check (OS X 10.9.4)


Alexander Rukletsov

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