> On Jul 4, 2015, at 3:15 AM, Alex Rukletsov <a...@mesosphere.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> Jörg and I are working on adding *quota* support to Mesos. Quota can be
> described as cluster-wide dynamic reservation. I would like to share the
> design doc [1] to gather community feedback early in the design phase.

The most confusing part of this document to me was the 'quota' terminology. 
Quotas normally refer to administrative limits (esp. disk quotas with hard and 
soft limits), not reserving resources. Since what you are describing is an 
extension to the resource reservation system, it would be clearer if it was 
described in those terms.

I was also concerned that access control / authorization is not planned for the 
initial implementation. I think that if Mesos is to have an authorization 
policy, it should be applied uniformly following the principle of least 

> The doc is work in progress, especially the part related to quota support
> in the allocator. We think we can start working on adding quota support to
> Mesos Master while fleshing out the design for how quota is handled by the
> built-in allocator.
> While working on the design, we faced some challenges and design questions.
> One of them is what decisions should be deferred to allocator and what can
> be decided by the Master. We elaborate on this in the doc.
> Looking forward to your feedback!
> [1]:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/16iRNmziasEjVOblYp5bbkeBZ7pnjNlaIzPQqMTHQ-9I/edit?usp=sharing

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