On 06/07/2016 06:29 PM, Vinod Kone wrote:
> Olivier, on a side note, it's great to see that you are playing with the
> new HTTP API in python! I briefly looked at your linked code and it looks
> like you are mixing the business logic of your application and the Mesos
> API interaction in the same file. It would be great if (at some point) you
> can extract the Mesos API interaction into a python library that can be
> used by other frameworks. See other libraries (C++
> <https://github.com/apache/mesos/blob/master/include/mesos/v1/scheduler.hpp>,
> Java <https://github.com/mesosphere/mesos-rxjava>, Go
> <https://github.com/mesos/mesos-go>) for inspiration.
I will try to do this later on. For the moment I focus no reproducing my
code with the HTTP API, code is not yet clean.
Would be better indeed to extract Mesos side from business logic.

> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Anand Mazumdar <an...@mesosphere.io> wrote:
>> Olivier,
>> You are missing the “task_infos” key in your “ACCEPT” call. The master
>> treats “Accept” operations with no launch tasks as declining offers
>> implicitly. I would file a followup JIRA to ensure this is logged on the
>> master (if not so).
>> An example correct JSON:
>> https://gist.github.com/hatred/7325d8a4afde607ecc0f376ab62d60eb <
>> https://gist.github.com/hatred/7325d8a4afde607ecc0f376ab62d60eb>
>> -anand
>>> On Jun 7, 2016, at 8:38 AM, Olivier Sallou <olivier.sal...@irisa.fr>
>> wrote:
>>> On 06/07/2016 04:53 PM, Guangya Liu wrote:
>>>> So how many agent nodes are there in your cluster? If you continue
>>>> receiving offer but without getting UPDATE message, then it may be
>> caused
>>>> by that your task definition and the framework continually decline
>> offer.
>>> I have only one node (master/slave), for development. It worked fine
>>> with the python API.
>>> we see on master that it received the ACCEPT, and no DECLINE. However,
>>> as I receive no UPDATE, I suppose that mesos "drops" the ACCEPT (wrong
>>> task definition maybe), and sends new offers several seconds after I
>>> sent the ACCEPT.
>>>> Can you please share your framework code here for the logic of "Event::
>>>> OFFERS"?
>>> Code is available here:
>> https://bitbucket.org/osallou/go-docker/src/b1948063fb7f68fbc77f5de6b473d832a7dd36af/plugins/mesos.py?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default
>> <
>> https://bitbucket.org/osallou/go-docker/src/b1948063fb7f68fbc77f5de6b473d832a7dd36af/plugins/mesos.py?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default
>>> in method run of MesosThread, line 613
>>> Code is a little complex, as it is a port of existing code using mesos
>>> python lib.
>>> Code related to HTTP is in development, so there may be further errors,
>>> but registration is fine as well as offer messages.
>>> I have added locally a debug print to show any message received by mesos
>>> (in case I would have received an other message indicating an error),
>>> but I received no other than offer and heartbeats.
>>> If Mesos see the ACCEPT message as it appears in logs, that it should
>>> either reject it (with a different status code than 202) or send an
>>> UPDATE error message if there is an error with my task definition.
>>> Olivier
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Guangya
>>>> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 8:29 PM, Olivier Sallou <olivier.sal...@irisa.fr
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 06/07/2016 01:59 PM, Guangya Liu wrote:
>>>>>> I can see that your framework is now holding the offer, how did you
>>>>> launch
>>>>>> task?
>>>>> I execute an HTTP POST request in Python with json content-type:
>>>>> {'type': 'ACCEPT',
>>>>> 'framework_id': {'value':
>> u'e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-0020'},
>>>>> 'accept': {
>>>>>    'operations': [
>>>>>        {'type': 'LAUNCH',
>>>>>        'launch': {'container': {
>>>>>                'docker': {'image': u'centos:latest',
>>>>> 'force_pull_image': True, 'port_mappings': [], 'network': 2},
>>>>>                'type': 1,
>>>>>                'volumes': [
>>>>>                    {'host_path': u'/a/b', 'container_path':
>>>>> u'/mnt/home', 'mode': 1},
>>>>>                    {'host_path': u'/a/b/c', 'container_path':
>>>>> u'/mnt/go-docker', 'mode': 1},
>>>>>                    {'host_path': u'/b/c/d', 'container_path':
>>>>> u'/mnt/god-data', 'mode': 2}
>>>>>                ]
>>>>>                },
>>>>>            'name': u'testr',
>>>>>            'task_id': {'value': '128'},
>>>>>            'command': {'uris': [{'value':
>>>>> u'/home/osallou/docker.tar.gz'}], 'value':
>> u'/mnt/go-docker/wrapper.sh'},
>>>>>            'slave_id': {'value':
>>>>> u'e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-S0'},
>>>>>            'resources': [
>>>>>                {'scalar': {'value': 1}, 'type': 0, 'name': 'cpus'},
>>>>>                {'scalar': {'value': 2000}, 'type': 0, 'name': 'mem'}
>>>>>            ]
>>>>>            } # end launch
>>>>>        } # end operation
>>>>>    ],
>>>>>    'offer_ids': [{'value':
>> u'e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-O28'}]
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> We can see that Mesos received the ACCEPT:
>>>>> I0607 11:45:15.873584 14896 master.cpp:3104] Processing ACCEPT call for
>>>>> offers: [ e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-O28 ] on slave
>>>>> e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-S0 at slave(1)@
>>>>> (tifenn.irisa.fr) for framework
>>>>> and I continue to receive new offers, so "connection" is OK. I should
>>>>> receive an UPDATE message even if there is an error, but I receive none
>>>>> (I track/log all messages received, whatever the type).
>>>>> Olivier
>>>>>> Perhaps you can take a look at
>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/mesos/blob/master/src/cli/execute.cpp#L311
>>>>> which
>>>>>> is an example framework using HTTP API
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Guangya
>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 7:19 PM, Olivier Sallou <
>> olivier.sal...@irisa.fr>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 06/07/2016 12:25 PM, Guangya Liu wrote:
>>>>>>>> Olivier,
>>>>>>>> For such case, seems there is sth wrong with your framework? can you
>>>>>>> please
>>>>>>>> run the following two commands and check the output?
>>>>>>> I don't think it is a framework issue, I receive offers, heartbeats
>>>>> etc...
>>>>>>> It is only at task creation step, when I have no rejection nor update
>>>>>>> message.
>>>>>>> It could be (certainly) an issue with the json task message I sent in
>>>>>>> the ACCEPT, but as there is no error, I have no way to understand
>> what's
>>>>>>> wrong with it.
>>>>>>>> curl "http://<mesos-master>:5050/master/frameworks"
>> 2>/dev/null|python
>>>>>>> -m
>>>>>>>> json.tool
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>    "completed_frameworks": [],
>>>>>>>    "frameworks": [
>>>>>>>        {
>>>>>>>            "active": true,
>>>>>>>            "capabilities": [],
>>>>>>>            "checkpoint": false,
>>>>>>>            "completed_tasks": [],
>>>>>>>            "executors": [],
>>>>>>>            "failover_timeout": 0.0,
>>>>>>>            "hostname": "",
>>>>>>>            "id": "e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-0021",
>>>>>>>            "name": "GoDocker HTTP Framework",
>>>>>>>            "offered_resources": {
>>>>>>>                "cpus": 4.0,
>>>>>>>                "disk": 459470.0,
>>>>>>>                "mem": 14898.0,
>>>>>>>                "ports": "[31000-32000]"
>>>>>>>            },
>>>>>>>            "offers": [
>>>>>>>                {
>>>>>>>                    "framework_id":
>>>>>>> "e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-0021",
>>>>>>>                    "id": "1f1486e3-43ee-44c5-b073-82a901add956-O0",
>>>>>>>                    "resources": {
>>>>>>>                        "cpus": 4.0,
>>>>>>>                        "disk": 459470.0,
>>>>>>>                        "mem": 14898.0,
>>>>>>>                        "ports": "[31000-32000]"
>>>>>>>                    },
>>>>>>>                    "slave_id":
>>>>> "e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-S0"
>>>>>>>                }
>>>>>>>            ],
>>>>>>>            "registered_time": 1465298174.2483,
>>>>>>>            "resources": {
>>>>>>>                "cpus": 4.0,
>>>>>>>                "disk": 459470.0,
>>>>>>>                "mem": 14898.0,
>>>>>>>                "ports": "[31000-32000]"
>>>>>>>            },
>>>>>>>            "role": "*",
>>>>>>>            "tasks": [],
>>>>>>>            "unregistered_time": 0.0,
>>>>>>>            "used_resources": {
>>>>>>>                "cpus": 0.0,
>>>>>>>                "disk": 0.0,
>>>>>>>                "mem": 0.0
>>>>>>>            },
>>>>>>>            "user": "godocker_http_test",
>>>>>>>            "webui_url": ""
>>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>>    ],
>>>>>>>    "unregistered_frameworks": []
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> curl "http://<mesos-master>:5050/master/state" 2>/dev/null|python
>> -m
>>>>>>>> json.tool
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>    "activated_slaves": 1.0,
>>>>>>>    "build_date": "2016-04-14 15:44:54",
>>>>>>>    "build_time": 1460648694.0,
>>>>>>>    "build_user": "root",
>>>>>>>    "completed_frameworks": [],
>>>>>>>    "deactivated_slaves": 0.0,
>>>>>>>    "elected_time": 1465298164.01165,
>>>>>>>    "flags": {
>>>>>>>        "allocation_interval": "1secs",
>>>>>>>        "allocator": "HierarchicalDRF",
>>>>>>>        "authenticate": "false",
>>>>>>>        "authenticate_http": "false",
>>>>>>>        "authenticate_slaves": "false",
>>>>>>>        "authenticators": "crammd5",
>>>>>>>        "authorizers": "local",
>>>>>>>        "framework_sorter": "drf",
>>>>>>>        "help": "false",
>>>>>>>        "hostname_lookup": "true",
>>>>>>>        "http_authenticators": "basic",
>>>>>>>        "initialize_driver_logging": "true",
>>>>>>>        "log_auto_initialize": "true",
>>>>>>>        "log_dir": "/var/log/mesos",
>>>>>>>        "logbufsecs": "0",
>>>>>>>        "logging_level": "INFO",
>>>>>>>        "max_completed_frameworks": "50",
>>>>>>>        "max_completed_tasks_per_framework": "1000",
>>>>>>>        "max_slave_ping_timeouts": "5",
>>>>>>>        "port": "5050",
>>>>>>>        "quiet": "false",
>>>>>>>        "quorum": "1",
>>>>>>>        "recovery_slave_removal_limit": "100%",
>>>>>>>        "registry": "replicated_log",
>>>>>>>        "registry_fetch_timeout": "1mins",
>>>>>>>        "registry_store_timeout": "20secs",
>>>>>>>        "registry_strict": "false",
>>>>>>>        "root_submissions": "true",
>>>>>>>        "slave_ping_timeout": "15secs",
>>>>>>>        "slave_reregister_timeout": "10mins",
>>>>>>>        "user_sorter": "drf",
>>>>>>>        "version": "false",
>>>>>>>        "webui_dir": "/usr/share/mesos/webui",
>>>>>>>        "work_dir": "/var/lib/mesos",
>>>>>>>        "zk": "zk://localhost:2181/mesos",
>>>>>>>        "zk_session_timeout": "10secs"
>>>>>>>    },
>>>>>>>    "frameworks": [
>>>>>>>        {
>>>>>>>            "active": true,
>>>>>>>            "capabilities": [],
>>>>>>>            "checkpoint": false,
>>>>>>>            "completed_tasks": [],
>>>>>>>            "executors": [],
>>>>>>>            "failover_timeout": 0.0,
>>>>>>>            "hostname": "",
>>>>>>>            "id": "e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-0021",
>>>>>>>            "name": "GoDocker HTTP Framework",
>>>>>>>            "offered_resources": {
>>>>>>>                "cpus": 0.0,
>>>>>>>                "disk": 0.0,
>>>>>>>                "mem": 0.0
>>>>>>>            },
>>>>>>>            "offers": [],
>>>>>>>            "registered_time": 1465298174.2483,
>>>>>>>            "resources": {
>>>>>>>                "cpus": 0.0,
>>>>>>>                "disk": 0.0,
>>>>>>>                "mem": 0.0
>>>>>>>            },
>>>>>>>            "role": "*",
>>>>>>>            "tasks": [],
>>>>>>>            "unregistered_time": 0.0,
>>>>>>>            "used_resources": {
>>>>>>>                "cpus": 0.0,
>>>>>>>                "disk": 0.0,
>>>>>>>                "mem": 0.0
>>>>>>>            },
>>>>>>>            "user": "godocker_http_test",
>>>>>>>            "webui_url": ""
>>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>>    ],
>>>>>>>    "git_sha": "555db235a34afbb9fb49940376cc33a66f1f85f0",
>>>>>>>    "git_tag": "0.28.1",
>>>>>>>    "hostname": "tifenn.irisa.fr",
>>>>>>>    "id": "1f1486e3-43ee-44c5-b073-82a901add956",
>>>>>>>    "leader": "master@",
>>>>>>>    "log_dir": "/var/log/mesos",
>>>>>>>    "orphan_tasks": [],
>>>>>>>    "pid": "master@",
>>>>>>>    "slaves": [
>>>>>>>        {
>>>>>>>            "active": true,
>>>>>>>            "attributes": {
>>>>>>>                "hostname": ""
>>>>>>>            },
>>>>>>>            "hostname": "tifenn.irisa.fr",
>>>>>>>            "id": "e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-S0",
>>>>>>>            "offered_resources": {
>>>>>>>                "cpus": 0.0,
>>>>>>>                "disk": 0.0,
>>>>>>>                "mem": 0.0
>>>>>>>            },
>>>>>>>            "pid": "slave(1)@",
>>>>>>>            "registered_time": 1465298164.37517,
>>>>>>>            "reregistered_time": 1465298164.37526,
>>>>>>>            "reserved_resources": {},
>>>>>>>            "resources": {
>>>>>>>                "cpus": 4.0,
>>>>>>>                "disk": 459470.0,
>>>>>>>                "mem": 14898.0,
>>>>>>>                "ports": "[31000-32000]"
>>>>>>>            },
>>>>>>>            "unreserved_resources": {
>>>>>>>                "cpus": 4.0,
>>>>>>>                "disk": 459470.0,
>>>>>>>                "mem": 14898.0,
>>>>>>>                "ports": "[31000-32000]"
>>>>>>>            },
>>>>>>>            "used_resources": {
>>>>>>>                "cpus": 0.0,
>>>>>>>                "disk": 0.0,
>>>>>>>                "mem": 0.0
>>>>>>>            },
>>>>>>>            "version": "0.28.1"
>>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>>    ],
>>>>>>>    "start_time": 1465298159.26321,
>>>>>>>    "unregistered_frameworks": [],
>>>>>>>    "version": "0.28.1"
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Guangya
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 6:04 PM, Olivier Sallou <
>>>>> olivier.sal...@irisa.fr>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> I am trying to switch from Python to HTTP API. I use mesos 0.28.1
>>>>>>>>> I could create framework to register, receive offers etc...  but I
>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>> an issue accepting offers.
>>>>>>>>> I send my ACCEPT message but I do not receive any UPDATE message,
>> only
>>>>>>>>> new offers and hearbeat messages.
>>>>>>>>> On mesos master logs I see:
>>>>>>>>> I0607 11:45:15.873184 14896 http.cpp:312] HTTP POST for
>>>>>>>>> /master/api/v1/scheduler from with
>>>>>>>>> User-Agent='python-requests/2.9.1'
>>>>>>>>> I0607 11:45:15.873584 14896 master.cpp:3104] Processing ACCEPT call
>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> offers: [ e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-O28 ] on slave
>>>>>>>>> e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-S0 at slave(1)@
>>>>>>>>> (tifenn.irisa.fr) for framework
>>>>>>>>> e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-0020 (GoDocker HTTP Framework)
>>>>>>>>> There is a "Processing ACCEPT" and no error, but my task is not
>> ran on
>>>>>>>>> mesos.
>>>>>>>>> No error on slave either.
>>>>>>>>> Response code to my ACCEPT is 202 as expected.
>>>>>>>>> Here is my HTTP json message:
>>>>>>>>> {'type': 'ACCEPT',
>>>>>>>>> 'framework_id': {'value':
>>>>> u'e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-0020'},
>>>>>>>>> 'accept': {
>>>>>>>>>    'operations': [
>>>>>>>>>        {'type': 'LAUNCH',
>>>>>>>>>        'launch': {'container': {
>>>>>>>>>                'docker': {'image': u'centos:latest',
>>>>>>>>> 'force_pull_image': True, 'port_mappings': [], 'network': 2},
>>>>>>>>>                'type': 1,
>>>>>>>>>                'volumes': [
>>>>>>>>>                    {'host_path': u'/a/b', 'container_path':
>>>>>>>>> u'/mnt/home', 'mode': 1},
>>>>>>>>>                    {'host_path': u'/a/b/c', 'container_path':
>>>>>>>>> u'/mnt/go-docker', 'mode': 1},
>>>>>>>>>                    {'host_path': u'/b/c/d', 'container_path':
>>>>>>>>> u'/mnt/god-data', 'mode': 2}
>>>>>>>>>                ]
>>>>>>>>>                },
>>>>>>>>>            'name': u'testr',
>>>>>>>>>            'task_id': {'value': '128'},
>>>>>>>>>            'command': {'uris': [{'value':
>>>>>>>>> u'/home/osallou/docker.tar.gz'}], 'value':
>>>>>>> u'/mnt/go-docker/wrapper.sh'},
>>>>>>>>>            'slave_id': {'value':
>>>>>>>>> u'e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-S0'},
>>>>>>>>>            'resources': [
>>>>>>>>>                {'scalar': {'value': 1}, 'type': 0, 'name': 'cpus'},
>>>>>>>>>                {'scalar': {'value': 2000}, 'type': 0, 'name':
>> 'mem'}
>>>>>>>>>            ]
>>>>>>>>>            } # end launch
>>>>>>>>>        } # end operation
>>>>>>>>>    ],
>>>>>>>>>    'offer_ids': [{'value':
>>>>>>> u'e303a1f0-4e7c-4c32-aafc-8707ea2b2718-O28'}]
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> There could be an issue with my task definition, but as no error is
>>>>>>>>> raised and I receive no UPDATE error message.....
>>>>>>>>> Any hint on how to debug this?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Olivier Sallou
>>>>>>>>> IRISA / University of Rennes 1
>>>>>>>>> Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE
>>>>>>>>> Tel:
>>>>>>>>> gpg key id: 4096R/326D8438  (keyring.debian.org)
>>>>>>>>> Key fingerprint = 5FB4 6F83 D3B9 5204 6335  D26D 78DC 68DB 326D
>> 8438
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Olivier Sallou
>>>>>>> IRISA / University of Rennes 1
>>>>>>> Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE
>>>>>>> Tel:
>>>>>>> gpg key id: 4096R/326D8438  (keyring.debian.org)
>>>>>>> Key fingerprint = 5FB4 6F83 D3B9 5204 6335  D26D 78DC 68DB 326D 8438
>>>>> --
>>>>> Olivier Sallou
>>>>> IRISA / University of Rennes 1
>>>>> Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE
>>>>> Tel:
>>>>> gpg key id: 4096R/326D8438  (keyring.debian.org)
>>>>> Key fingerprint = 5FB4 6F83 D3B9 5204 6335  D26D 78DC 68DB 326D 8438
>>> --
>>> Olivier Sallou
>>> IRISA / University of Rennes 1
>>> Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE
>>> Tel:
>>> gpg key id: 4096R/326D8438  (keyring.debian.org <
>> http://keyring.debian.org/>)
>>> Key fingerprint = 5FB4 6F83 D3B9 5204 6335  D26D 78DC 68DB 326D 8438

Olivier Sallou
IRISA / University of Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE

gpg key id: 4096R/326D8438  (keyring.debian.org)
Key fingerprint = 5FB4 6F83 D3B9 5204 6335  D26D 78DC 68DB 326D 8438

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