Thanks James! As you said, removing Process implementations from the
headers is the existing practice, but we need to do a sweep to enforce this
consistently. Folks could work on this sweep today to make progress on the
3 benefits you outlined.

This proposal to me seems to just be:

(1) When needed for testing, whether to expose the Process declaration in
its own foo_process.hpp header, rather than within foo.hpp.
(2) whether to name the .cpp as foo_process.cpp rather than foo.cpp.

I'm not sure if I like (2), instead of keeping the .cpp named foo.cpp.
Consider the case where there is no foo_process.hpp (not needed for
testing), then you just have foo.hpp and foo_process.cpp. Or consider the
case where a user is looking for the implementation of limiter.hpp, they
have to know to look for limiter_process.cpp rather than limiter.cpp (but
only when a Process is involved!). Seems unfortunate?

For Mesos, (1) sounds good, but I'm not sure if libprocess should be
exposing the foo_process.hpp header in the public includes alongside the
foo.hpp header. Because then libprocess users are assuming our particular
implementation of the interface. I think for the libprocess testing
purposes, we probably want the *_process.hpp header to be within the src/

On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 8:23 AM, James Peach <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> There is a common Mesos pattern where a subsystem is implemented by a
> facade class that forwards calls to an internal Process class, eg. Fetcher
> and FetcherProcess, or zookeeper::Group and zookeeper::GroupProcess. Since
> the Process is an internal implementation detail, I'd like to propose that
> we adopt a general policy that it should not be exposed in the primary
> header file. This has the following benefits:
> - reduces the number of symbols exposed to clients including the primary
> header file
> - reduces the number of header files needed in the primary header file
> - reduces the number of rebuilt dependencies when the process
> implementation changes
> Although each individual case of this practice may not improve build
> times, I think it is likely that over time, consistent application of this
> will help.
> In many cases, when FooProcess is only used by Foo, both the declaration
> and definitions of Foo can be inlined into "foo.cpp", which is already our
> common practice. If the implementation of the Process class is needed
> outside the facade (eg. for testing), the pattern I would propose is:
>         foo.hpp - Primary API for Foo, forward declares FooProcess
>         foo_process.hpp - Declarations for FooProcess
>         foo_process.cpp - Definitions of FooProcess
> The "checks/checker.hpp" interface almost follows this pattern, but gives
> up the build benefits by including "checker_process.hpp" in "checker.hpp".
> This should be simple to fix however.
> thanks,
> James

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