Hi folks,

I wanted to share with the dev@ list some of the ongoing discussion we've
been having in the community working group.

One of the things that we're looking to improve is our outward
communication in the project. There are many facets to this, but two
problems that I'd like to highlight here are: (1) It's difficult to keep up
with what's going on in the project, and (2) awareness of our technical
innovations is low.

For (1), the newsletter that Greg started aims to help provide a regular
update highlighting all of the recently completed and ongoing work and
events. The hope is that this will make it much easier to keep tabs on the
happenings in the project.

For (2), my suggestion is that we use the blog to highlight some of our
technical innovations. We've been neglectful of the blog for the past few
years, other than to publish new releases. On the other hand, we do a lot
of technical talks at conferences, meetups, etc. Giving talks are great for
raising awareness, but I think blog posts would help be a great complement
for raising additional awareness towards some of the innovative technology
we've built.

Recently, we published some blog posts highlighting some master failover
performance improvements and the CSI work: http://mesos.apache.org/blog/

For now, we've seeded some ideas for future blog posts here:


Please feel free to add any ideas that would showcase our technical
substance! The plan is for the community working group to reach out to
folks to encourage blog posts that we think would highlight something
interesting for the community. An as example, I think raising awareness of
the partition awareness work and the features it has enabled in Marathon
and Aurora would make for a compelling blog post.

We're also thinking of moving the blog to something more modern and
engaging, like Medium. Let us know if you have any thoughts or suggestions!


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