
I agree with submitting a project concerning the Mesos UI. For a 3 months
programming project, I would suggest working on an updated UI offering a
UX (Mesos users are not complaining about that) but with:

- An updated Angular version or the use of a new framework (for our use
  Vue.js could be an option).
- The use of the operator HTTP API.
- The fix of long-standing bugs (e.g. MESOS-3901).
- An update of our views to display the features we have added to
  agents/roles/frameworks these past versions.

Our Web UI backend design will be 5 years old in May which is quite an
achievement. The lack of recent contributions is, AFAIK, due to the
of Angular for devs who are not familiar with it. Having a more
logic between our new endpoints and the views would solve this issue.

The development of the new UI could be done alongside the current one with
replacement by the end of the program to give more freedom to the student.

If other devs agree with this proposal, I can work on a ticket and add it
http://s.apache.org/gsoc2018ideas (Tomek, please let me know if you want to
take care of it).

2018-04-10 13:19 GMT+02:00 Tomek Janiszewski <jani...@gmail.com>:

> Hi
> It looks like Apache Foundation was selected to Google Summer of Code
> https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/organizations/5718432427802624/
> Do we plan to submit any project related to Mesos. I was thinking about a
> project to refresh Mesos UI (catch up with features, upgrade to latest
> Angular (or rethink the framework)).
> What do you think?
> Best
> Tomek

Armand Grillet
Software Engineer, Mesosphere

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