Mesos allow using only digest authentication scheme for Zookeeper. Which is bad 
because Zookeeper has quite a flexible security model.
It is easy to make you own authenticator with its own scheme name.

To support fully Zookeeper authentication, Mesos has pass two items into 
scheme and credentials.
credentials can have different format depending on authentication scheme. For 
digest scheme it is ‘login:password’

All Mesos should do just pass scheme and credentials to Zookeeper.

Another improvement might be be to configure credentials via file instead of URI

For example it can be two command line options:
--zk_auth_scheme and –zk_auth_credentials

It can be used like this:
--zk_auth_scheme=some_custome_scheme –zk_auth_credentials=filename

--zk_auth_credentials can just get all contents of the file as credentials 

Class Authentication in Mesos already contains all that we need. The problem is 
what Mesos pass to the constructor.


Dmitrii Kishchukov.

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