I know there is interest in doing a new release so perhaps I can help
us get started.  There a few orders of business to take care of
though.  I don't recall us ever deciding on whether it would be 1.0.10
or 1.1.0.  I had recommended 1.0.10 until we pass the TCK and got a
few +1 but the conversation sort of petered out.

I will volunteer to be the release manager again since I did a lot of
this last time.  My goal is to pass the torch on to someone else for
the next release.  If there is someone who wants to work with me to
learn the process that would be good.  I learned quite a few things
about the ASF release process last time only some of which is
documented.  I will document everything this time around.

I also think we should have a release plan.  I just saw the Shale
release plan (http://wiki.apache.org/struts/ShaleRelease100) and I
think we should "rip" Craig's release plan and use it as a foundation
for our own.  This is how the serious ASF projects do things and I
think with each release we should be trying to be aligning ourselves
more and more with the ASF standards onthese sorts of things.



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