Yes, this is another option.

make myfaces-share something like a common-jsf-utils or so.

Thing is that changes should not happen very often in there, then. And
incompatible changes never.



On 11/2/05, Bill Dudney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi John,
> On Nov 1, 2005, at 10:25 PM, John Fallows wrote:
> >
> > If you want to use a version of tomahawk that is incompatible with
> > your MyFaces implementation on the web server, just upgrade the
> > MyFaces version.  Yes its a pain but it certainly doesn't seem to be
> > insurmountable.
> >
> > This just proves that we depend on something other than the APIs in
> > the specification to integrate the two projects together.  That
> > indicates that we haven't ensured proper isolation between the
> > projects.
> >
> > Am I misssing something here?  Is the problem more significant then
> > upgrading your MyFaces implementation?
> >
> > I think you might be missing the point of having a standard. :-)
> >
> > The implementation of the standard runtime stands alone.  The
> > implementation of any extensions to the standard also stand alone.
> >
> > The current shared code approach breaks the guarantee that any
> > combination of standard runtime implementation and standard
> > extension implementation can work together.
> >
> > The fact that a certain combination of these implementations are
> > provided by a common set of developers should be entirely
> > irrelevant to the end user.
> >
> I think you might be missing something here. The standard does not
> provide sufficient definition of how the components will be
> implemented (and perhaps that is a good thing). There is a ton of
> common code between all components that is not defined in the
> standard. We can choose to re-implement that functionality in
> tomahawk, copy and repackage or put it in a separate jar. Perhaps it
> would be better to have more detail in the API for the component
> classes and perhaps it would not be, either way the 1.1 and 1.2
> versions of the spec don't have the detail needed to reuse complex
> code across components. With the current spec its better IMO to
> implement everything once and share it.
> I think the bottom line is that myfaces-share.jar is something like
> commons-logging.jar. No one decries the fact that we depend on
> logging (well perhaps 'no one' is a strong statement :-) so why
> should we be put out by dependence on myfaces-share.jar. It could
> just as easily be called html-utils.jar or jsf-component-building-
> made-easy.jar or whatever.
> As far as separation of the projects goes. myfaces-impl.jar and
> tomahawk.jar depend on myfaces-share.jar. myfaces-share.jar should
> not depend on myfaces-impl.jar of course but could depend on myfaces-
> api.jar. The last time I checked the dependency tree was as described
> here so I think we are in good shape to make things look like this.
> Anyway my $0.02 on this.
> -bd-

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