There are a couple reasons I went down that road,

1: at first, when trying to get things working, it was much easier to
be able to directly access the component in javascript. I wanted to
get this working without having to deal with unknown id's, and then
come back to get it working for those cases.
2: If you reference the components in javascript by their derived id,
for example:
var component_form1:subview2:table3, javascript pukes, as would java
or any other languages.  This could be avoided I'm sure, but it was
something that was occuring.
3: I have to make it work for forceId anyways so that I can access the
components from javascript in a deterministic way.


On 11/22/05, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Travis,
> I don't know anything about the AJAX compoents so please excuse me if
> this is a silly question. But why are the AJAX components requiring
> "forceId" in the first place?
> If a component's true id at the back end is "form1:subview2:table3",
> then why not use that id in all the AJAX stuff rather than requiring the
> table to use forceId?
> Travis Reeder wrote:
> > Yes, I can use forceId=true when I want it, but my sentiments exactly
> > (about altering the id), if I set an ID, it would be nice to not have
> > to set forceId="true" also.  Especially in this new rich client /
> > ajaxing era that we seem to be rolling into.

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