I am trying to use myfaces in weblogic portal environment
I was not able to get the scrolling working in the datalist and inputCalendar
I am seeing the following in the log
DEBUG [18:13:48] (JspStateManagerImpl.java:serializeView:569) - Processing seria
lizeView - serialize state in session
DEBUG [18:13:48] (JspStateManagerImpl.java:serializeView:577) - Processing seria
lizeView - serialize compressed
DEBUG [18:13:48] (JspStateManagerImpl.java:serializeView:594) - Exiting serializ
eView - serialized. Bytes : 1071
DEBUG [18:13:48] (JspStateManagerImpl.java:saveSerializedView:334) - Exiting sav
eSerializedView - server-side state saving - saved state
DEBUG [18:13:48] (ViewTag.java:doAfterBody:184) - leaving ViewTag.doAfterBody
DEBUG [18:13:48] (ViewTag.java:doEndTag:94) - entering ViewTag.doEndTag
DEBUG [18:13:48] (ViewTag.java:doEndTag:108) - leaving ViewTag.doEndTag
DEBUG [18:13:48] (ReducedHTMLParser.java:parse:430) - DOCTYPE found at line 10
 WARN [18:13:48] (DefaultAddResource.java:writeMyFacesJavascriptBeforeBodyEnd:68
2) - MyFaces special _javascript_ could not be retrieved from request-map.
I tried AUTO_SCROLL to true and false and it is not working in both cases

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