On 8/2/06, Mike Kienenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think this issue might also affect h:dataTable since it's in the
shared package:


I'll try testing and seeing if this is true.   If so, the patch there
needs to be applied, and I'll try to get to that tomorrow if no one
else takes care of it by then.

I've applied the patch for this against 1.1.5.

However, this also needs to be applied to the Core 1.1.4 branch, or
using a dataScroller with an h:dataTable is going to generate "Row is
not available" errors whenever the dataTable doesn't have as many rows
to display as the rows attribute value.

20:31:36.218 ERROR! [SocketListener0-1]
41> Row is not available. Rowindex = 1

I'll go ahead and open a core issue on this as well and link it to the
tomahawk one.

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