Wow.  No, I somehow missed the relevence of aliasBean on the facelets
mailing list.

For what it's worth, you're the first person in the history of
facelets to need it, at least as far as I've read on mailing lists.

Would it maybe be better to create a rendertime-compatible version of
ui:include tag?   It seems like trying to mix aliasBean in the mix
will limit what you're able to do.  Maybe that's what the component
you posted does, though.

On 10/23/07, Mario Ivankovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> > The reason that there is no alias bean handler is because it's not
> > needed with facelets.
> >
> Still, the tag is not working as it should, so providing a tag handler
> will fix this.
> > Instead you'd use a Facelets composition and ui:include statement.
> >
> That is not true for my use-case. As you might have seen on the facelets
> user list I have to play around with dynamic includes. Means, where a
> backing bean provides a path to an xhtml file to an include component
> which gets included at render time instead of compile time.
> This do not always work with compile-time includes.
> For example, an include embedded in an dataList or dataTable.
> For this you can't use the ui:include as it is evaluated at compile time
> - you probably know :-)
> I've posted a component which will include another xhtml parsed JSF view
> at render time on the facelets user list.
> So for these few places in our app I have to still go the aliasBean way.
> Ciao,
> Mario

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