On 10/24/07, Val <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I handled the addition of a converter or validators into the wrapper by
> having my custom tag push a dummy UIInput tag onto the tag stack that
> UIComponentTag uses and then having the wrapped converter/validators set
> themselves up in the dummy component on the top of the stack as they
> usually do (no changes there). Then when we come back up to the
> doEndTag() of my wrapper custom tag, I simply steal all the
> validator/converter info from my dummy UIInput and apply it to the
> wrapper, which then applies itself to the actual parent UIInput. So this
> adds a level of indirection, but it is entirely handled by the custom
> tag during page compilation. This way it works out to be fairly non
> intrusive.
> What problems with JSF 1.1 + jsp did you have in mind?

Well, it's been two-and-a-half years, but I seem to remember the
problem was that under JSF 1.1 + jsp, the converters and validators
are created from scratch every request rather than restored using the
JSF state-saving mechanism.   So all of the values set on the
converters/validators would be lost the next request.

> Also, a question on mailing list protocol, if you don't mind. This is my
> first attempt at participating in developer mailing lists so I am
> uncertain what would be a more appropriate way to show this thing to
> Tomahawk guys - reposting the whole thing in the tomahawk list, or
> referencing the post I made here?

This is both the MyFaces Core and MyFaces Tomahawk mailing list.   So
you don't need to repost it.

My comment was that, structurally, this patch would be a candidate for
the Tomahawk project, but would not be a candidate for the MyFace Core
project.  In fact, it might fit in with the newly-proposed (earlier
today) MyFaces Commons project better since it doesn't seem to be
dependent on any particular renderkit.

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