Yes, this is perhaps another reason why this might best be placed
under Tomahawk.

We already have a Tomahawk sandbox in place for both Jdk 1.5 and
pre-1.5.   Once a sandbox component is ready for promotion, part of
the evaluation could be deciding if it should go into the
works-with-anything commons project or the less-compatible Tomahawk

On 10/27/07, Andrew Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/27/07, Manfred Geiler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes, we need to be careful about what goes in. And we should agree on
> > some rules here. Is lazy consensus enough? Or should every addition
> > require an official vote (on a regarding jira issue)?
> My opinion on this would be to have a sandbox where components can be
> put without vote, and only with an official vote get included in the
> official branch.

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