At least in terms of the validators/converters/etc (non-api) parts of
commons, it is not intended that Tobago or any other project depend on
these.   These are additional components made available to the end
users.   So it's true that some small subset of Tobago users won't be
able to use it.   The same is true for Trinidad and Tomahawk users.

I don't think that's reason enough to require that these projects
support JSF 1.1.

I still think the conglomeration of developer-targeted utilities/apis
and end-user-targeted components is a mistake, and I was under the
impression that each of these pieces was independent of each other.
If that's the case, there's no reason why the api/utils
developer-targeted projects can't maintain JSF 1.1 support while
leaving the component end-user-targeted projects at JSF 1.2.

On Dec 5, 2007 5:08 PM, Bernd Bohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The tobago codebase will be 1.1 or 1.2 compatible as much as possible.
> If commons only supports 1.2 we are not able to use it in tobago until
> the 1.1 version is only in maintenance mode.
> I think it's ok if some parts of commons are 1.2 only.
> I think jdk 1.4 compatibility is not a requirement.(We can provide a
> retrotranslated version)
> As far I know some of the tobago users still using 1.1 jsf and not able
> to switch to 1.2 until end of 2008.
> Andrew Robinson schrieb:
> > As the vote states, if -1, please provide a reason why 1.1 has to be
> > supported. An argument of why not is not enough.
> >
> > On Dec 5, 2007 2:14 PM, Bernd Bohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> -1
> >>
> >> I don't see any reason why a commons fileupload should not support 1.1
> >>
> >> Can someone define what commons API means?
> >>
> >> Is this just a subproject of commons like commons validator or commons
> >> converter?
> >>
> >> Scott O'Bryan schrieb:
> >>
> >>> +1
> >>>
> >>> Mario Ivankovits wrote:
> >>>> +1
> >>>>> Lets make the myfaces commons JSF API an official vote so we can have
> >>>>> a fixed time frame on this decision
> >>>>>
> >>>>> +1 [ ] -- make JSF 1.2 the minimum requirement for the new myfaces
> >>>>> commons project
> >>>>> +0 [ ] -- you don't mind supporting a 1.1 trunk in addition to a 1.2
> >>>>> trunk
> >>>>> -1 [ ] -- you feel that 1.1 should be required and why you feel that
> >>>>> it is needed
> >>>>>
> >>>>> My vote: +1
> >>>>>
> >>>>> -Andrew
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >

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