On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 10:24 PM, simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On Tue, 2008-03-04 at 20:38 +0100, Thomas Spiegl wrote:
>  > Hi orchestra team,
>  >
>  > just used orchestra in one of my projects, works really great - thanks
>  > for your effort!
>  Great - thanks for the feedback.
>  Did you use the persistence stuff, or just the plain
>  conversation-scoping?
I used both, extendes persistence context & orchestra scopes. Worked
both fine for me.

>  >
>  > Are there any plans to release orchestra-core-1.1?
>  Yes. Hopefully either Mario or I will post an RC tomorrow or the day
>  after, and start the vote.
>   http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/ReleasePlanForCore1%2e1
great to hear. I'll test it as soon as it's available

>  >
>  > When looking through the project I was missing ...
>  > 1) download link for orchestra-core-1.0 on
>  > http://myfaces.apache.org/download.html
>  Yep. The last release was just to the maven repo. It's rather tempting
>  to do the same again, actually. Is a download bundle actually useful to
>  anyone?
yes, not everyone is using maven out there. Some people are missing
the download links.

>  > 2) release of orchestra-core15-1.0
>  We're working on it, but there's quite a lot of effort still needed. It
>  all works (and is being used in production) but needs a lot of polishing
>  before a stable API can be declared. Probably a couple of months away..
Really months? What do you plan to change/polish?

>  > 3) release of orchestra-core-1.1
>  > documentation is really good & up to date, but already refers to
>  > orchestra-core-1.1-SNAPSHOT. It isn't fully compliant to release 1.0
>  > and therefore confusing for someone using release 1.0
>  Agreed. But there isn't enough manpower ATM to write both 1.0 and 1.1
>  docs. I have *tried* to indicate where 1.0 and 1.1 differ. If there are
>  any bits that are misleading please let me know.
I did not write down the differences. A new release would help to be up to date.

>  Ideally there would be different websites for different releases. The
>  Maven project has just moved to this approach for plugin docs, but are
>  still ironing out the problems; I don't know of any other project that
>  has yet managed to do this. And unfortunately I don't have time to be a
>  leader in this area - but am happy to be a follower if someone can show
>  how it can be done.

>  > 4) an example for @ConversationRequire?
>  I'll update the docs in the next few days to improve that. Another user
>  also pointed out that we need to better document the spring
>  conversationName attribute.

>  The Orchestra Examples project does use this annotation, so you can look
>  there for information but it does need to also be on the website docs.
thanks, managed to get it working - the feature is just likely to be
missed reading the docs.

>  Cheers, Simon



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