>  1) Company decides to adopt Trinidad for a project
>  2) They are either (a) crunched for time or (b) need to get a release out
>  3) From mgmt, they are told they have to implement a feature
>  4) Trinidad has no way to support this feature, but the current
>  renderer has a method that would allow me to do it if it were
>  protected
>  5) So assuming #3, the method is protected and in the trinidad-impl.jar
>  6) I extend the method, hacking the renderer and get the code to work
>  as required by my company and my customers.
>  7) We ship on this code to get it out the door
>  8) In the meantime, I create a JIRA issue to expose the functionality I 
> require
>  9) It goes through weeks of debate (operating on recent Trinidad
>  experience on this comment) and finally 2 days to 5 months later makes
>  it into a SNAPSHOT build

so... we can fix that, to be more agile, right?

>  10) My company has a policy to only use released versions, so I wait
>  and wait for the release (which is much better for Trinidad users that
>  Tomahawk which has less than yearly release cycles)
>  11) When it finally becomes API, I port my code from the hack of
>  subclassing the code to the new API
>  So as you can see, it was never my intention to treat the usage of the
>  protected method as a solution, but a temporary way to get my code to
>  work. Asking users to log bugs and wait for discussion and then
>  implementation and then a release is simply not feasible for many
>  companies that need to get software out the door.
>  So when I say #3 then #2, I mean to allow people to get their code out
>  quickly and then go through the proper channels to improve the code.
>  Saying #2 only is just not feasible for companies to meet deadlines
>  and many companies will not permit you to change open source code and
>  ship the changed versions (some afraid of licenses, some afraid of
>  maintenance).
>  I fully agree that #2 is the solution though and even that we need to
>  make some part of the trinidad rendering in the API, because I
>  strongly feel that only having components in the API is just not
>  customizable enough, and I don't think that components with 300
>  attributes and facets is the way to go.

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org

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