Another alternative to option 1 is to #parse($fileName) or #include($fileName).
You can specify filename externally.   This is probably the best
solution so long as the contents of the file included can be included

On 4/9/08, Leonardo Uribe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I have another design question. I have finished tag class generation using
> velocity, and right now I'm working on generation of component classes, but
> later I want to use this tool for generate faces-config.xml and taglib.tld
> files too.
> The problem is that in some point it is necessary to let the user define
> files like faces-config-base.xml and taglib-base.xml, to add some content
> inside the generated file (or in other words merge this files).
>  1. One option is use velocity like this:
> <faces-config>
> $customContentFromFacesConfigBase
> <!-- generated xml content -->
> </faces-config>
> 2. But another solution is try to merge this files with some xml tool.
> 3. Other solution is provide what we want to insert what we need to add on
> the template that are readed from
> mylib/src/main/resources/META-INF/templateForFacesConfig.vm
> What option could be better? If no suggestions I will go with option 3 (the
> easy the better, but option 1 sound good too).
> regards
> Leonardo Uribe

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