Rob Williams describes some of the pain I've experienced in the past
with JSF.   You have complicated Domain dynamic hierarchies.  You
don't want to be trying to create a dynamic hierarchy of Data Transfer
Objects that you then have to maintain, populate and transfer.  So
what do you do?

Ryan chimed in that if we don't come up with a solution for JSF 2.0,
we'll be living with the current situation for the next 3-4 years...

Fundamental Failing of JSF, Some Ideas for Overcoming

Who's got some ideas?  My only idea up to this point has been to
generate the DTOs with similar templates I use for generating my ORM
(Cayenne or JPA) objects, then manually doing the transfer.   Or, in
other cases, cripple the app usability and simplify the input pages.

Example:  Customer can have multiple addresses, emails, phone numbers,
lists of accounts, etc.

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