Ok I have a rather difficult question here:
I did the f:ajax part of the behavior and the renderer clean room.
But to get it up and running under a testing ground fast meant
I had to check the f:ajax taghandler from mojarra and patch 2-3 things in, which was triggering my tag instead of the mojarra one.

The main reason I am asking here is I am in the middle of a reimplementation of the said tag handler.
But I am sort of stained by the mojarra sources, by having seen that part.

My question is now. The ajax tag code is clean and the renderer as well,
but the tag handler is not. Shall I stop working on it and let someone else do it, or shall I continue?

The tag handler is a complete reimplementation however and has severe structural differences, there is not a single line of code not written by me, but as I said ... stained due to having patched mojarras code for testing :-(.

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