
Trying to solve MYFACES-2290 Add OSGi bundle information and bundle
classloader / activator, it was submitted a patch that adds some new classes
required by OSGi to handle classloader calls correctly. This classes
requires be public and one be mentioned in myfaces-api MANIFEST.MF as

Is it possible to add public classes under javax.faces package as in the
patch (I don't think so but better to ask)? Do this break TCK compatibility?

If the previous one is not possible, is it possible to add public classes
under org.apache.myfaces like package in myfaces-api.jar, so we can correct
the patch? Do this break TCK compatibility?

If the previous one is not possible, is it possible to create a single
bundle of myfaces (mixing api and impl classes in one jar) or create
separate jars with the modifications described before and put them on maven
repo with a name like myfaces-api-osgi-X.X.X.jar or something like that to
give users an alternative to use myfaces as a bundle in OSGi?

Suggestions are welcome


Leonardo Uribe

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