So the conclusion is to use a private static boolean on UIInput that tells
us if we are in Development stage or not.

Any objections to that?


2010/5/20 Leonardo Uribe <>

> Hi
> 2010/5/19 Jan-Kees van Andel <>
> Sounds plausible, we already do the same thing with the ExternalContexts
>> class.
>> It's blazing fast, but the question is: Are we allowed to and do we want
>> to cache the instance?
> In theory yes, because it does not change the behavior expected by the
> spec.
>>  If the spec doesn't dictate otherwise, I'm in favor of caching it.
>> Another idea is to cache it in the ServletContext. It's not as fast as a
>> static final field, but still pretty fast and can be inspected and modified
>> through appserver tooling.
> The problem is from UIInput.setValue() or UIInput.setSubmittedValue() we
> don't have access to ServletContext (the only way is through
> FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext(), and we want to avoid
> the call to FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() ).
> Talking with Gerhard, the conclusion was a static var could do the job. Is
> just unrealistic assume someone has a production environment with some
> applications with project stage "production" and others "development" (note
> shared variables are "shared" by all applications hosted in a web server).
> In the worst case, the applications will continue working.
> regards,
> Leonardo
>> Regards,
>> Jan-Kees
>> 2010/5/19 Gerhard Petracek <>
>>> we don't have to cache the faces-context.
>>> we can use e.g. an interface with a static final field.
>>> usage (example):
>>> if(Boolean.TRUE.equals(InternalProjectStage.IS_DEV_MODE))
>>> {
>>> //...
>>> }
>>> -> there is just one evaluation.
>>> regards,
>>> gerhard
>>> Your JSF powerhouse -
>>> JSF Consulting, Development and
>>> Courses in English and German
>>> Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
>>> 2010/5/19 Leonardo Uribe <>
>>> Hi
>>>> The problem in this case is the only place we can store this information
>>>> is the component instance itself. So, at least there is one lookup per
>>>> component.
>>>> If we try to cache facesContext, unfortunately there is not safe way to
>>>> clean this reference (portlet case), so there is a risk of use old 
>>>> instances
>>>> of this object in this case.
>>>> regards,
>>>> Leonardo Uribe
>>>> 2010/5/19 Gerhard Petracek <>
>>>> hi,
>>>>> as long as we don't want to change the project stage dynamically, we
>>>>> can just store e.g. a marker as static information.
>>>>> regards,
>>>>> gerhard
>>>>> Your JSF powerhouse -
>>>>> JSF Consulting, Development and
>>>>> Courses in English and German
>>>>> Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
>>>>> 2010/5/19 Jakob Korherr <>
>>>>> Hi Martin,
>>>>>> Indeed, we have to call FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() everytime.
>>>>>> So I guess it will be better to remove the code from UIInput!
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Jakob
>>>>>> 2010/5/19 Martin Marinschek <>
>>>>>> Hi Jakob,
>>>>>>> > The problem with this is that the code on UIInput checks the
>>>>>>> ProjectStage
>>>>>>> > everytime setSubmittedValue() or setValue() are called, which is
>>>>>>> very often
>>>>>>> > and could make MyFaces a bit slower, I guess. If we remove this
>>>>>>> code on
>>>>>>> > UIInput, the debug output will stay mostly the same except for the
>>>>>>> call
>>>>>>> > stack, because this will be gone.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > The question now is if we should leave it the way it currently is
>>>>>>> (with the
>>>>>>> > code on UIInput and the possibility to display the call stack) or
>>>>>>> if we
>>>>>>> > should remove the code from UIInput (which means no slowdown on
>>>>>>> > setSubmittedValue() and setValue() but loosing the call stack).
>>>>>>> What do you
>>>>>>> > guys think? Any opinions/objections?
>>>>>>> for me it is a question how fast this getProjectStage() derivation
>>>>>>> is.
>>>>>>> If that means to call FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() all the time,
>>>>>>> the impact is considerable (thread-local resolution). In this case it
>>>>>>> might be better to not have this information...
>>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>>> > Regards,
>>>>>>> > Jakob
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > --
>>>>>>> > Jakob Korherr
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > blog:
>>>>>>> > twitter:
>>>>>>> > work:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Your JSF powerhouse -
>>>>>>> JSF Consulting, Development and
>>>>>>> Courses in English and German
>>>>>>> Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Jakob Korherr
>>>>>> blog:
>>>>>> twitter:
>>>>>> work:

Jakob Korherr


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