Not sure.
Does it work in Mojarra or did you check the specs?

2017-08-11 22:44 GMT+02:00 Eduardo B <>:

> I have encountered an issue with injection on a JSF Artifact. The scenario
> is as follows:
> When a class implements ActionListener, and that action listener is
> invoked from a facelet as the snippet below:
> <h:form >
>     <h:commandButton value="ActionListener" action="#{bb.action()}">
>         <f:actionListener type=""
> />
>     </h:commandButton>
> </h:form>
> The behavior I’m seeing is that we cannot do @Inject on the class that
> implements the ActionListener, and @PreDestroy is not being invoked on app
> shut down. However, if we register the action listener in the
> faces-config.xml, I can see that injection is possible.
> Is Injection from a facelet for an ActionListener needs to be supported?
> Regards,
> Eduardo M. Breijo-Baullosa

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