
1. +1 to mesos-dns aware
2. all tasks deployed by mesos are already in mesos-dns.  so all the nm are 
there (we should make sure they have good names.
3. the RM is not usually started with mesos… if it was it would also be listed 
in mesos-dns, however a process started outside mesos is not currently added to 
mesos-dns.  At some point mesos-dns will allow for out of band server 
registration… but it isn’t there today.
4. I would like to see multi-yarn clusters on mesos supported with 
multi-myriad.  Each myriad would managed it’s cluster and would register with a 
unique framework id.


> On May 7, 2015, at 5:51 AM, John Omernik <> wrote:
> I've implemented mesos-dns and use marathon to launch my myriad framework.
> It shows up as myriad.marahon.mesos and makes it easy to find what node the
> framework launched the resource manager on.
> What if we made myriad mesos-dns aware, and prior to launching the yarn
> rm, it could register in mesos dns. This would mean both the ip addresses
> and the ports (we need to figure out multiple ports in mesos-dns). Then it
> could write out ports and host names in the nm configs by checking mesos
> dns for which ports the resource manager is using.
> Side question:  when a node manager registers with the resource manager
> are the ports the nm is running on completely up to the nm? Ie I can run my
> nm web server any port, Yarn just explains that to the rm on registration?
> Because then we need a mechanism at launch of the nm task to understand
> which ports mesos has allocated to the nm and update the yarn-site for that
> nm before launch.... Perhaps mesos-dns as a requirement isn't needed, but I
> am trying to walk through options that get us closer to multiple yarn
> clusters on a mesos cluster.
> John
> -- 
> Sent from my iThing

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