For [1]  Hive 3 was removed in, if you mean the Hive
dependency from Apache Iceberg we probably need a release from them that
brings in Hive 4 dependencies? Or do you suggest we bring the Hive
components back as long as we update the version?

I'll take the Flyway one in the meantime, database integrations are my
blessing and my curse :) If that goes more smoothly than I expect I can
grab the QuestDB one too, will update the Jiras as appropriate.


On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 1:56 PM Joe Witt <> wrote:

> Team,
> We have made massive strides going from thousands of out of date libraries
> to dozens in the 2.x line vs any prior releases.  And we can/should stay on
> top of these better going forward.  A few key bits that are outstanding
> with no obvious immediate work underway are as follows.  If anyone is
> working on these, willing to work on these, please volunteer and let us
> know.  For components that we cannot find active engagement on we should
> consider removal though these aren't great examples as they're indeed
> common usage components.
> [1]
> Hive 4 recently came out but Hive also gives us some of the most
> complicated POM/library mangling and oldest dependencies to override/etc..
> Putting serious detailed focus here is very valuable from a maintenance
> point of view.  While existing usage of Hive 3 likely remains for some
> time, those users are like NiFi 1.x users anyway.  In any case if there are
> motivated developers interested to see our Hive components be healthy
> please do dive in on this.
> [2]
> The NiFI registry is a major release behind Flyway DB.  We need to stay
> current given the importance of this component.
> [3]
> We are a few incrementals behind and a minor release behind QuestDB.  I
> tried bumping the incremental but it broke tests.
> [4]
> We are a full major release behind and several incremental/minors as well.
> Apparently there is some concern related to the community changes in
> Elastic vs OpenSearch/etc.. but regardless we need to stay active in
> maintaining this component.  We really should get to the latest main.
> Thanks to anyone who can help tackle these and make progress both in terms
> of doing the upgrade/update work, validating tests, fixing licenses, but
> also reviews.
> Thanks
> Joe

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